Content Reveal Container

A versatile container element that allows you to switch between two panels using a varied number of transition styles. Each panel can contain any number of other elements, giving you the freedom to craft whatever designs you imagine. It can be used to create advanced Flip Boxes, Sliding Boxes and more

Design Tab


  • Trigger: The action that will trigger the transition and reveal the second panel. The element supports Hover, Click on the content container, or a click on another custom element of your choosing



  • Animation: The type of reveal animation, each animation type turns the element into a different visual entity
  • Direction: The animation direction
  • Duration: The animation duration
  • Enable 3D Perspective ( only for Flip animations ): Enables 3D perspective on the elements you added to the Content Reveal Panels
  • Depth ( only for Flip animations ): The amount of depth to apply on the elements you added to the Content Reveal Panels