SVG Path Drawer
The SVG Path Drawer draws you SVG files based on the chosen settings. It’s a versatile element that can turn your SVG files into interactive design elements, storytelling elements, or UI elements that enhance the UX.
Special Notes:
- The element works with stroke-based SVG files only! Fill colors cannot be drawn and as such are not supported.
- The SVG <text> primitives are not supported and should be converted into <path> primitives before uploading the file. In Figma, you can use the ‘Flatten’ function to turn an SVG primitive into a <path>
Content Tab
- SVG: The SVG file
Design Tab
- Width: SVG size
- Override Stroke Color: Override the default stroke color
- Stroke Color: The new stroke color
- Override Stroke Width: Override the default stroke width
- Stroke Width: The new stroke width
Animation Trigger
- Trigger: Whether to draw the SVG when it enters the screen ( Entrance Animation ) or as the user scrolls ( Scroll Animation )
- Use as Page Progress: A shortcut helper to use the SVG as a custom page progress indicator.
- Relative to: The element to use for the scroll animation
- Trigger Location: The start and end locations of the scroll animation
- Draw Mode: Whether to draw the SVG when scrolling down, up, or in both directions
- Run Once: Whether to run the draw animation only once
- Show Debug Markers: Show debug marker to help with positioning the trigger location
- Animation Type: The type of drawing animation. You will only see a difference when your SVG is made up of more than one primitive.
- Delayed: Each primitive in the SVG has a small delay applied to it
- Synchronized: All primitives in the SVG are drawn at the same time
- One by One: The primitives in the SVG are drawn sequentially